Thursday, 29 October 2009

Blame It On Jet Lag

Right, so I'm back from Berlin with a grand total of zero photographs taken with Ricoh. In my haste, I packed one of Stephen's used films rather than the fresh one I'd bought and my German is ok but doesn't stretch to: "Can I have a 36-exposure, 400 ISO, black & white film please, Mr Pharmacist?"

So rather than taking Ricoh on an adventure, I've managed to take some unpublished film for a lovely 1,160 mile round trip. (There are plenty of Berlin pics going up on Art of the City though - check them out here.) Still, I'm going to get Stephen's two films published this weekend if I can and get to work on taking some snaps in drizzly old London instead.

And if anyone London-based is interested in taking Ricoh for the next step of his adventure (and wants to receive an undeveloped 35mm surprise too), do please drop me a line at:

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